Monday, May 24, 2021

Free Gaza, Free Gaza , from Hamas


These are the signs held up and shouted at anti-Israel rallies all around the world. I agree with this sentiment. However, it is not Israel that Gaza needs to be free from; it is Hamas.   Israel left the Gaza strip. ISRAEL does NOT occupy Gaza. Gaza is  OCCUPIED BY A MURDEROUS, TERRORIST GROUP THAT IS HOLDING THEIR OWN PEOPLE HOSTAGE AND PERPETUALLY THREATENS THEIR NEIGHBORS. not occupied. Yes, the borders are controlled by Egypt on one side ( did you forget that ?) and Israel on the other. 
When Israel withdrew from Gaza, there were high hopes that there would be peace with its neighbors. That hope dashed when Hamas violently overthrew the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. It has been hell ever since for its people and its neighbors. 
Instead of making Gaza a rich, wealthy, peaceful country, Hamas has condemned the over 2 million people to live in a twilight zone of war, war, wars between battles, and more war. 
The main contribution of Hamas to the world is incendiary balloons, homemade missiles, and blowing up pizza places. 

Israel is suffering, Arabs are suffering in Israel, and the most tragic, the people of Gaza. There is virtually no hope for them. Before Hamas, many workers entered Israel to make a living.  The people of Gaza need the change the most. 
Nobody sane can expect Israel to open the doors to a regime that, at its core, wants to kill all Jews in Israel and the world. 
So if you are protesting the war in Gaza, keep on protesting, but let's make sure you have the right people to blame. 
It is not Israel; Israelis are just as tired of the wars as the people of Gaza.
Israelis and Jews don't hate Arabs; they want them to succeed just as much. It is in everyone's interest to make peace with Gaza. Just think what it would be like to have a peaceful, civilized country on the banks of the Mediterranean?   
Let's stop the hypocrisy, and all pray for peace that will help make everyone's lives better.

Larry Levine 


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                                Let me sum up what is going on in Israel this way.                                            THE USUAL SUSP...