Monday, May 24, 2021

                               Let me sum up what is going on in Israel this way. 

                                         THE USUAL SUSPECTS

One day when my Mom drove my little sister somewhere, Debbie was mad at me for something. She knew that I would never hit a girl, so she slugged me and yelled, "Larry, Larry," stop hitting me. My Mom would turn around and yell at me, "Larry stopping hitting her." I couldn't win. My sister was pretty smart. 
Hamas an enemy who has in its charter to annihilate Israel is firing missiles hidden in mosques, schools, hospitals. These missiles are fired indiscriminately. Israel has to protect itself and must respond to protect its citizenry.  
Remember, Hamas and other radical Islamic groups view death during the war as becoming martyrs. They think they are going to get 72 virgins if they kill their "enemies." Little do they know that the 72 "virgins" all look like a cross between Kaitlyn Jenner and Bette Midler. 
During this terrible time for Israel, you really know who your "friends" are and who your enemies are.
Just a few examples: 
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown: 
 Israeli violence against Palestinians protesting the Sheikh Jarrah evictions, the assault on Al-Aqsa worshipers( his misspelling not mine) during Ramadan, and Hamas's indiscriminate rockets attacks are ALL unacceptable. 
Sherrod Brown is supported by the Ohio Jewish community, yet, he has consistently been on the wrong side of Israel issues. A former family friend is Sherrods biggest supporter. This is the person who called me a racist ( for saying that BLM is a Marxist anti-semitic organization). Do you think he made a call to complain to Sherrod? I DON'T THINK SO. 

 SHERROD, nothing, nothing whatsoever justifies the firing of thousands of missiles indiscriminately at the civilian population of Israel. 
There is no moral equivalence between the aggressor (Hamas) and the victims, Israel. 
 Not only is there no moral equivalence, but YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT THE SHEIK JARRAH EVICTIONS AND THE SUPPOSED ASSAULT ON Al- Aqsa. Sheik Jarrah is a legal dispute with FOUR HOMES owned by Jews in an ETHNICALLY CLEANSED Area of Jews captured by Jordan DURING THE 1948 war. The case has been adjudicated for over 50 years. The Israel court's initial decision was that the Arabs who are squatters could stay in their homes if they paid rent. THEY HAVE NOT. 
I am pretty sure, Sherrod, that you have legal disputes in Cleveland, Ohio. I do NOT think you are overly concerned about missiles being fired from Mentor threatening your life over them. 
Al Aqsa "worshippers" threw stones ( huge stones of biblical proportions) down on Jewish worshippers at the wall. There was a police action with non-lethal tear gas being used to stop the Arabs rioting. Israel respects all faiths who worship at their holy sites. The ones who DO NOT RESPECT THIS ARE THE ARABS WHO BAN, HARASS, AND RIOT AGAINST JEWS PRAYING AT THEIR HOLIEST SITE. Don't Jewish lives count to you, Sherrod?  #Jewishlivesmatter
Trevor Noah talk show host on comedy central: "I just want to ask an honest question here," Noah said. "If you are in a fight where the other person cannot beat you, how much should you retaliate when they try to hurt you?"
Everyone has a different answer to the question, and I'm not trying to answer the question, nor do I think I'm smart enough to solve it. All I ask is, when you have this much power, what is your responsibility?"

Trevor Noah has a long history of anti-Israel hatred. He should have been stopped before he became the host. The evidence was there. 
In Trevor's tiny mind, it is okay for terrorists to fire missiles with bombs on them at civilians, and Israel should not defend herself. Why? Because Israel is stronger than the Palestinians. This argument is so dumb, but you would be surprised how many crazies on the left use it. 
I agree with them. I think that Israel should fire thousands of missiles into Gaza. That would be proportionate, wouldn't it? 

Bella Hadid: "I have a lot to say about this, but for now, please read and educate yourself. This is not about religion. This is not about spewing hate on one or the other. This is about Israeli colonization, ethnic cleansing, military occupation, and apartheid over the Palestinian people that has been going on for YEARS!" she wrote in another post.
 Her argument is nonsensical; however, she has a massive reach with our nation's youth. 
Lena Headey: "Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones: shared an image of a Palestinian girl waving a flag. The graphic included the words "Save Sheikh Jarrah" and "Zionist Israel Apartheid."
Hey Cersei, the highlight of Game of Thrones for me was when the roof fell on your head. You prove that typecasting works. 

Susan Sarandon: "Standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are facing ethnic cleansing and being terrorized at the hands of the Israeli Government and Jewish settler organizations. THE WORLD IS WATCHING."
Irrelevant aging moron star. 

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexander Ocasio Cortez, and evil newcomer Bush all chimed in with their consistent message of hate against Jews and the one and only Jewish State. 
Omar called Israel a terrorist state. 
Rep. Rashida Tlaib called Israel an 'apartheid government.'
Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a progressive Democrat from Massachusetts, claimed that 'Palestinians are being told the same thing as black folks in America'

Ocasio- Cortez criticized Joe Biden for comments he made that Israel had a right to defend Hamas. 

Cori Bush rep. from Missouri and a supporter of the BDS movement said she stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, just as they have stood in solidarity with Black Americans fighting for their own lives."

President Joe Biden: Wants a reduction in the number of rockets fired. This statement is too stupid to even respond to. 

The Democrats have posted the typical marginal, tepid, bland responses they always do when it comes to Israel.  
At best, the organized Jewish community has been chiefly WEAK speaking out, especially on the antisemites in Congress. 

There should be an unequivocal statement put out that says. 
The first responsibility of any country, any Government, is to protect its people. 
Israel is in a no-win situation. They have no choice to sit back and let these evil bastards shoot missiles at their population. Hamas should be in the international court for firing at civilians and for putting their own people in harm's way.  

This is not about grievances, real or imagined. 
It is not about a landlord-tenant dispute with FOUR, YES, FOUR HOMES. This is about hate, vicious evil, hate. 
Yes, the whole world is watching. 
Yes, as an American, a proud Jew, we are watching how our Government, our entertainers, our sports heroes are acting. We will not forget. 

Larry Levine

Am Yisrael Chai We have survived thousands of years of hate; we will persevere. 

Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought. "
"Sun Tsu"owitz , an ancient famous Jewish Attorney who liked Chinese food.

614 522 6100 

Free Gaza, Free Gaza , from Hamas


These are the signs held up and shouted at anti-Israel rallies all around the world. I agree with this sentiment. However, it is not Israel that Gaza needs to be free from; it is Hamas.   Israel left the Gaza strip. ISRAEL does NOT occupy Gaza. Gaza is  OCCUPIED BY A MURDEROUS, TERRORIST GROUP THAT IS HOLDING THEIR OWN PEOPLE HOSTAGE AND PERPETUALLY THREATENS THEIR NEIGHBORS. not occupied. Yes, the borders are controlled by Egypt on one side ( did you forget that ?) and Israel on the other. 
When Israel withdrew from Gaza, there were high hopes that there would be peace with its neighbors. That hope dashed when Hamas violently overthrew the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. It has been hell ever since for its people and its neighbors. 
Instead of making Gaza a rich, wealthy, peaceful country, Hamas has condemned the over 2 million people to live in a twilight zone of war, war, wars between battles, and more war. 
The main contribution of Hamas to the world is incendiary balloons, homemade missiles, and blowing up pizza places. 

Israel is suffering, Arabs are suffering in Israel, and the most tragic, the people of Gaza. There is virtually no hope for them. Before Hamas, many workers entered Israel to make a living.  The people of Gaza need the change the most. 
Nobody sane can expect Israel to open the doors to a regime that, at its core, wants to kill all Jews in Israel and the world. 
So if you are protesting the war in Gaza, keep on protesting, but let's make sure you have the right people to blame. 
It is not Israel; Israelis are just as tired of the wars as the people of Gaza.
Israelis and Jews don't hate Arabs; they want them to succeed just as much. It is in everyone's interest to make peace with Gaza. Just think what it would be like to have a peaceful, civilized country on the banks of the Mediterranean?   
Let's stop the hypocrisy, and all pray for peace that will help make everyone's lives better.

Larry Levine 


 It feels like Deja Jew all over again.

Here we go again.
In the same pattern, Israel is attacked, the media twists what is happening, and then the inevitable cease-fire. I have noticed that every war with Hamas starts and ends the same way.
Hamas attacks, Israel defends, destroy buildings, and a few weeks later, there is a cease-fire. The IDF calls it mowing the lawn meaning every 3 to 5 years, Hamas rebuilds, rearms, and Israel has set them back until the next war.
There is a difference this time. Israel is getting more efficient at playing this game. Over 1000 targets were destroyed with pinpoint accuracy. This is a remarkable figure considering Hamas's propensity for shooting missiles from mosques, schools, civilian homes.  Israel can name 160 terrorists killed out of over 230 deaths in Gaza, including over 60 children. ( Al Jazeera figures) . These numbers include the casualties caused by Hamas rockets misfiring and killing their own people, and destroying their own infrastructure like electrical plants.
Hamas looks for Israel to make mistakes, kill civilians so they can parade them for the world's media. Every time the usual suspects decry Israel's brutality, their excessive use of force, yada yada yada.
However, Hamas has also become more of a threat. Their weaponry is more lethal, accurate and can now hit most of Israel.
Here in the United States, we see increasingly bold Arabs and the left bullying, threatening, and committing violence against Jews. They cannot blame this on Donald Trump now.
Our federations have sent slick press releases out decrying the violence but have had very few rallies. Here in Columbus, the evangelical community is holding rallies, but our Federation has decided not to participate.
Our enemies CAIR, the Council on Islamic American relations, holds press conferences with no opposition. An interview with one person representing our community is NO OPPOSITION. Our federations remain passive. They want to be "smart" about this. Translation they don't want to rock the boat. They want Jews to be quiet. We are not guests in the United States.  Newspapers, colleges, social media are bombarded with disinformation about the war, and OUR COMMUNITIES ARE NOT FIGHTING BACK. SHAME ON THEM. We know where passivity leads us.
The obligatory Government officials proudly say that Israel has a right to defend herself. As if there are any countries, people, or places that are not. Israel is the only country in the world that has to justify the defense of its citizenry. The arrogance of it. Perhaps they are used to Jews being passive, weak, and just marching into ovens. We are in 2021, not 1945. We are going to defend ourselves, and we don't care what the world thinks. Even if our leadership does not.
So yesterday, President Biden takes credit for a cease-fire brokered between Qatar, Egypt, the Hamas. Biden's policies, giving over 200 million to the Palestinians, supporting UNWRA, and getting back to the disastrous Iran deal have given aid and comfort to our enemy, Iran. There is no doubt about it the "unseen" hand behind the latest hostilities is Iran. If Trump was still President this would NOT have happened.
To be fair, Biden has communicated well during this crisis and has not publicly criticized Israel. After all, Biden is a politician, he has long-time relations with Bibi and many in the Jewish community. His demeanor belies the rest of his administration, who are the same people that were anti-Israel during the Obama days.
Biden pledges to replenish Israel's Iron dome defense system and, at the same time, rebuild Gaza. So what has been accomplished? Nothing.
We rebuilt Germany AFTER they completely capitulated. By rebuilding Hamas we are GUARANTEEING THE NEXT WAR, MORE DEAD JEWS, AND ARABS.
Is destroying buildings that will soon be rebuilt a solid deterrent to bloodthirsty, vicious cultists? Hamas raison d'etre is to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew on earth.
Israel needs to take over Gaza, kill all Hamas terrorists and demilitarize it. This time when the world rebuilds, it will not be with Hamas at the helm. There will be casualties, but no country in the world can live like this.
Yes, we don't know who is next; however, how can they be any worse than Hamas? Hamas holds no value in life, especially Jews and their own people.
Until then, this entire scenario will repeat itself, and I will be writing about this in 4 years. 

                                Let me sum up what is going on in Israel this way.                                            THE USUAL SUSP...